
Paint Your Pet Watercolor Workshop
Come paint your pet or the pet of a loved one in watercolor! This workshop is beginner friendly and pre-traced so it feels much like coloring!

Spring Flowers Watercolor Workshop
Come learn how to paint cheerful spring flowers such as crocuses, daffodils, bluebells, and clovers!

Pine Tree Forest Watercolor Workshop
Come paint a majestic pine forest in watercolor! Paintings can be customized to include snow tipped branches, or bright summery colors.

Paint Your Home Watercolor Workshop
Come paint your home in watercolor in this beginner friendly workshop!

Christmas Cards (in july)
Come paint up to six watercolor Christmas cards that you can bless your friends and family with later in the year! Get ahead of all the holiday hustle and bustle, and slow down to paint something heartfelt and meaningful.

Mushroom Identification Chart
Come paint a mushroom identification chart in watercolor! Your final painting will be 11x15in. and suitable for framing.

Butterflies & Moths Watercolor Workshop
Come paint your favorite butterfly or moth in watercolor! Traceable outlines will be provided of flying friends such as the monarch, luna moth, swallowtail, cecropia moths, and more!